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Geofencing Marketing

Generate More Targeted Leads with Geofencing and Targeted Programmatic Display

Geofencing and targetted display

What is it and how can you profit from it?- Device ID technology creates custom digital fences around a businesses location(s) during a specific time frame while targeting user demographics you have chosen to target within those fence parameters. With this data you will determine if the audience you are targeting is likely to result in becoming a paid customer. If they meet the criteria, we can use that data to run a highly targeted programmatic display ad campaign. We have witnessed our clients experience incredible ROI and insights as a result. 

How does Device ID (DID) fit into customer's journey

If you want to successfully engage a consumer during each phase of the buying journey the need unique highly target message that establishes considerations for: Awareness, Interest, Intent, Purchase, and Loyalty/

We guarantee serving a minimum of 50,000 impressions per month Location Targeting Options: 

  • Submit at least 10 targeted locations for us to analyze winning adequate impressions
  • We then hand-draw custom shapes around the location you agree would be best to target and identify devices that entered the location from 3 days to one year ago.
  • Quick-Select Option: we identify devices in the quick-select category of business, which generate device IDs from “all lawyers offices”’ for example.

Reasons to work with Corunit Media Corp.

Geofencing Campaign Managers are paid like salesmen and their compensation is based on performance. Check out some of the tools we use:

We target relevant devices whether you want to use a ZIP Code, location, or other highly targeting methods we can help establish. There will naturally be devices visiting the area but not from the area that we can exclude to avoid serving ad to devices seen outside of the “back geo’.


FAQs about paid search management

Looking to learn more about paid search management for your business? Browse our FAQs:

Paid search is a digital marketing strategy that involves online ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Paid search ads typically look similar to organic search listings but have a label that distinguishes them as ads.

With paid search management services, you can expect a dedicated team of experts who will meticulously review and analyze your campaigns, ensuring that they align with your business objectives. Through continuous optimization, they will fine-tune your advertisements to maximize their effectiveness, reaching the right audience at the right time.

When it comes to paid search ads, Google Ads serves as a prime example of how the process works. Google Ads allows advertisers to bid on specific keywords they want their ads to appear for. When a user conducts a search on Google, the platform uses various factors such as keywords, ad settings, bids, and ad quality score to determine which ads to display.

Paid search can indeed be a valuable addition to your marketing strategy for several reasons: Audience Research, Precise Targeting, Quick Results, Bottom-of-the-Funnel Leads, Supplementing Organic Search Results. By leveraging the advantages of paid search, businesses can effectively target their audience, generate qualified leads, achieve faster results, and enhance their overall online visibility and conversion rates.

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