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Reputation Management Services

Surveys and studies on consumers have made it clear that a business’s online reputation is an essential part of their success.

What is Reputation Management? Think “perception”

Rep Management is Combination of:

  • What YOU say about your business.
  • What CONSUMERS say about your business.
  • What do colleagues and business associates say about your business?
  • Feedback from existing customers provides you and prospective clients with insights on their experience so that you can constantly improve your process and so that new customers can understand what to expect.
  • Where do they say it?
  • When do they say it?
  • Is it solicited or not solicited?

Reviews are the foundation of your online reputation


will build your business presence online so potential customers find you. ALWAYS respond to negative reviews preferably in a private setting, without violating the customer’s privacy, and don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call for the best resolution.

Promote Reviews & Feedback by asking patrons to specifically detail their experience. Let them know they are helping other people by sharing their experiences.

Track brand mentions utilizing our technology to crawl the web to find “mentions” or testimonials which provide credibility and trust to your company from customers about your brand.

Outline formal processes with your staff to win customer reviews and improve the number of new clients you acquire. If you’re not doing it you are leaving money on the table that will go to a competitor instead.

The next sale of your services or products starts with every interaction or conversation. Every way you contact customers should be carefully thought out and repeated with every prospective or existing customer if you want them to remain loyal and keep returning. Consistency is key!

what you get

Why do Positive reviews matter?

How do you effectively ask for reviews so that they actually get encouraged to take action?

The formula is simple – keep your audience engaged.

Here are some Tips to keep your audience engaged:

  • Thank them first for their previous business.
  • Tell your customers how important their satisfaction, improvements, and opinions are. 
  • Ask for a “favor” – It will show your honesty and professional behavior.
  • Tell how much time it’ll take – 
  • Clearly reveal your purpose and tell them that it will help other customers (who are looking for a provider) in their decision-making.
  • Clarify the process – Will you send a text message, or an email with a link to leave a review? Whatever the whole process is, clearly explain it, but keep it short.
  • Let them know your concern – Let them understand that you’re really looking forward to reading their comments. It assures customers that their reviews will get noticed.
  • Take care of the timing when you ask – Avoid asking for reviews if the customers doesn’t seem to be satisfied with your service. Unhappy clients are not going to praise you anyway.
  • Make the review writing process easier – Use reputation management software to make the review writing and posting process easier for your customers.

Key Statistics

  • 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses (including 95% of people aged 18-34)
  • Consumers read an average of 10 online reviews before feeling able to trust a local business
  • 40% of consumers only take into account reviews written within the past 2 weeks – up from 18% last year
  • 57% of consumers will only use a business if it has 4 or more stars
  • 80% of 18-34-year-olds have written online reviews – compared to just 41% of consumers over 55
  • 91% of 18-34-year-old consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • 89% of consumers read businesses’ responses to review
The proof is in the numbers


of customers say they will trust a brand more if there are positive reviews of the company online.


of customers think brands need to engage more with customers about their online reputation.


of customers think brands need to engage more with customers about their online reputation.

  • Increase the velocity of sales.
  • Increase exposure on directories. 
  • Update, edit, and correct, incorrect information.
  • Build new listings on directories.
  • Generate Backlinks.
  • Brand message is precise and consistent across all platforms.
  • Tools to get notified and reply to customers
  • Prompt feedback from customers in order to engage them
  • Generate more reviews from dozens of sites to see what’s being said about your business online in one easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Identify new opportunities and “low hanging fruit.”
  • Improve visibility and search rankings.
  • Identity inaccurate or misinformation from directories and online listing sources that you probably don’t know how to change or know that it exists on the WWW.
  • Monitor sentiment where your business is mentioned in a variety of sources, including news sites, blogs and social networks. We can highlight the most positive and negative mentions using automated sentiment analysis.
  • Competitive benchmarking tools to compares how you stack up to competitors on social media outlets and in local searches.
  • Respond to reviews on platforms like Google and Facebook reviews. Custom templates with  our software to send them out with just two clicks.
  • Leverage happy customers and win new customers: Find your brand champions to improve online word-of-mouth. Invite existing customers to share their experiences will gain the trust of new customers.
  • Generate feedback to strengthen the customer experience. Make sure customers are happily getting what they paid for. Explain how much their opinion matters and make them feel valued for sharing their experiences. And, make sure you thank them!
  • Tools to automate thanking customers. It goes a long way!
  • Damage control. – Everyone has unhappy clients and responding to negative feedback is almost more important than responding to positive feedback. Managers create a process and offer initiatives in the event of negative feedback with the hopes of retaining them and getting another chance more importantly avoiding or at least reducing chargebacks.
  • Increase and improved targeted presence across popular review sites making sure your customers’ reviews show up where potential customers are looking.
  • Maximize the SEO benefits of positive customer experiences and increase the velocity of interactions. Keep them talking. Ask them to elaborate so that someone else that has similar needs can see their experience.

Reviews Matter! “The squeeze is worth the juice!”


FAQs about paid search management

Looking to learn more about paid search management for your business? Browse our FAQs:

Paid search is a digital marketing strategy that involves online ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Paid search ads typically look similar to organic search listings but have a label that distinguishes them as ads.

With paid search management services, you can expect a dedicated team of experts who will meticulously review and analyze your campaigns, ensuring that they align with your business objectives. Through continuous optimization, they will fine-tune your advertisements to maximize their effectiveness, reaching the right audience at the right time.

When it comes to paid search ads, Google Ads serves as a prime example of how the process works. Google Ads allows advertisers to bid on specific keywords they want their ads to appear for. When a user conducts a search on Google, the platform uses various factors such as keywords, ad settings, bids, and ad quality score to determine which ads to display.

Paid search can indeed be a valuable addition to your marketing strategy for several reasons: Audience Research, Precise Targeting, Quick Results, Bottom-of-the-Funnel Leads, Supplementing Organic Search Results. By leveraging the advantages of paid search, businesses can effectively target their audience, generate qualified leads, achieve faster results, and enhance their overall online visibility and conversion rates.

Want A Free Consultation? You have nothing to lose!

This is your 24/7 store front and your feedback is instrumental in how we design the site. We will take the time to understand your expectations, business, and ideal customers.