Engage early adopters- if you offer a relatively newer service like medical marijuana, stem cells, and psychedelic treatments you want those people sharing their experiences in testimonials on social media and across other major platforms.
Targeting Patients Demographics –
Patient segmentation based on age, medical condition, and interest in treatment.

Older patients typically have more trust with their providers and tend to follow their advice more than younger patients, based on a report released by healthcare marketing agency CMI Media Group.
The purpose of the CMI survey of 2,000 American adults from various generations was to understand their level of trust for their physician and other generational characteristics of those patients.
Millennials – Born from 1981-1996 approximately 22% of the population and have over 5% of US wealth. By population, they surpassed Baby Boomers in 2019 to be the largest generation by population. They are burdened by student debt. They like when you have similar views and appreciate when they can see and hear your voice, see the passion for what you do, and find you easily.
Communicate the diversity of you or your practitioners and consider this generation as one that wants to be heard. Help them feel empowered and include them in choices on their health care journey. They are on social media and want to know about the latest and greatest.
Generation X – Born from 1965-1980. They account for approximately 20% of the population and 25% of US wealth. They tend to review qualitative attributes. Highlighting your CV (curriculum vitae), and expertise. They are taking care of their parents’ health more and more. You put in the time to obtain your credentials so highlight them. It is estimated they will receive over $68 Trillion in the largest generational wealth transfer in history! Don’t miss out!
Baby Boomers – Born from 1946-1964 and account for over 21% of the US population with over 53% of US wealth. They were born after World War Two and are referred to as the “me generation”. They really value a brand’s reputation and typically stick with things familiar to them. They want it to be easy to contact their provider and be listened to while you are addressing their concerns. They want to have a relationship..
The Silent Generation- Born from 1928-1945
and account for approx over 6% of the population and 17% of the wealth. They spend more time in the hospital and they appreciate a higher personal level of service with their doctors. They rely on their doctors for referrals and want to be told exactly what they should do. They aren’t as tech-savvy as younger generations and still like to open mail and watch health programs on TV and listen to the radio for information.
and account for .4% of the population. They lived through the Great Depression and counted their dollars and cents because they lived through the Great Depression.
The CMI Media Group survey of 2000 adults across generations offer some key insights about each generation’s level of trust for their doctors:
Generations by percentage who are “extremely comfortable” visiting a physician
- Generation Z: 33%
- Millennials: 40%
- Generation X: 60%
- Baby boomers: 64%
- Silent generation: 69%
Generations by percentage who say they listen to all their physician’s advice:
- Generation Z: 43%
- Millennials: 33%
- Generation X: 38%
- Baby boomers: 55%
- Silent generation: 62%
Generations by percentage who often conduct independent research on conditions and medications:
- Generation Z: 32%
- Millennials: 35%
- Generation X: 41%
- Baby boomers: 29%
- Silent generation: 27%
Source – CMI Media Group
A great first impression lasts and is critical to setting a customer’s expectations. If you charge more than your competitors or a patient is on the fence this could be the determining factor of a patient’s decision to move forward with services.
- Do you or your employees follow a predefined written plan that you have laid out and is easily repeated in response to customer actions or conversations?
- Are all your employees knowledgeable about your process, products and services?
- Automate actions to assist the prospective consumers with understanding the value you offer.
- Educate new and existing customers with visual content
- Reduce “customer shopping” by offering a reduction in price to book or buy now.
- Create sequences within your CRM. “If this then that” workflows.